Ok...so I’ve never been one to really celebrate New Year’s. I’d even go so far to admit to you all that I’ve only been awake at the stroke of midnight maybe 10 or 12 times in my life and none of those times have actually occurred in the recent past. I did actually go to a party last year but I was home and in bed snoring by 10. Now that I am building a new life for myself I thought it might be fun to see how other people celebrate the new year and maybe find a new tradition of my own. I did a quick search on Google (have I mentioned I totally heart Google?) and this is what I found according to
South America - in countries like Brazil and Bolivia, it's what's inside that counts. Residents in cities such as Sao Paulo and La Paz ring in the New Year by donning brightly colored underpants. Those who choose red are hoping for an amorous year ahead, those with yellow wish for money. I guess this begs the question of how you tell who is wearing what color underwear. Perhaps that is best left unanswered...
So what do you think it means if I wear these?

Denmark - as if the effects of plentiful New Year's alcohol were not disorienting enough, many Danish revelers leap off chairs at the stroke of midnight, hoping to banish bad spirits in the year ahead.
Philippines - New Year's celebrations in places like Manila tend to be circular; Filipinos focus on all things round, consuming "round" fruits such as grapes and wearing clothing with round shapes like polka dots. The spherical theme is meant to remind celebrants of the "round" shape of coins and prosperity.
These are round, right?

Spain - at the stroke of 12, Spaniards begin to consume 12 grapes, attempting to eat the whole bunch by the time the clock stops chiming.
I could so do that! Having a big mouth is good for something I always say!!

(Nope..that's not me..I just thought that was a hilarious picture. How much you wanna bet this poor girl is wishing she would have never taken that trip to the vineyard?)
Belarus - the new year in Belarus is all about getting hitched. Unmarried women compete at games of skill and chance to determine who will tie the knot in the coming months. One game involves setting piles of corn and a rooster before the potential brides-to-be whichever pile the bird chooses apparently picks the lucky lady.
Uh, I think I'll pass on letting some crazed rooster peck stuff in front of me.

(Yes...I did meet this rooster and take his picture. He was nuts!! Scared the feathers right off me - well...if I would have been wearing feathers, that totally would have happened.)
Once I really think things through I think I’ll stick with my old stand-by of trying to stay up to see the ball drop in NYC while attempting to figure out how old Dick Clark really is. He’s still on, right? I told you it’s been a while.