Now…on to CarGuy – his transplant was delayed yet again but we have a date set in stone, aka - don’t change this date or you will face the wrath of the insane caregiver kind of date. He goes in the hospital on March 30th with his transplant occurring on April 3rd. The trip to see Darling was a great diversion but now that we are back home he is getting nervous. I don’t blame him but really don’t know how to help his situation much more. I could wisk him away again for another short trip but I need to get some things done at home before we leave and wisking tends to interfere with those chores. I think this is maybe one thing I need to let go of and just let him deal with it. I’m a meddler, uh, I mean fixer so that’s really hard for me.
I’m looking forward to having more time to blog about all the crazy and bizarre things I’ve noticed. My family used to warn me not to blog about something stupid they did but I’ve been such a blog-slacker lately that they haven’t even felt the need to give me those warnings they know I won’t listen to. I’ve had lots of fodder to choose from but just haven’t had the time or motivation to get them down in print. Gosh…I need to get my priorities straight!!
I know SO many people who end up with that gallbladder issue after having their first baby... isn't that odd???
We'll be praying for the transplant!!!
Not to concern or scare you about your niece and her gall bladder...but, please have her Doctor check her heart before they do any kind of surgery for the gall bladder. My friends niece just passed away from this routine surgery because her heart was enlarged....common in postpartum woman...her baby was 9 months old. Better to be safe than sorry!!!
I'll put the new date on my calender and am still praying!
Yay for the new niece! That's so fun :) I'ts great that you two got to go see her. I'm sorry to hear about BeeGee. I'm sure she was hoping to just be able to enjoy her new baby girl without worrying about other less fun things :/
CarGuy (and you!) is still in my prayers. I'll pray for peace. I now I would be a total mess preping for a transplant.
That happened to my little sister too soon after giving birth! No fun.
I'm sure everything will go fine! The waiting is probably way worse! Thinking of you still!
rikgnwicc [url=]Rico The Destroyer[/url]
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