Saturday, August 16, 2008

Gardens, Twilight, and Rain is the only garden update you are getting today!! (Grrrr....I hate that stupid tent thing my neighbor insists on leaving up constantly -- it messes with my pictures!)
It is pouring rain and has been since Thursday night. It's raining so much that Perdy won't leave the porch. She just looks around and then looks at me like I could make all this ickiness stop so she can go play. I would, Piddygirl, if I could...I love you that much!
And Peanut won't even get within 10 feet of the door that leads to the porch that leads to the rain. (Yes, those are socks and a baseball hat and stinky running shoes and overflowing diet coke cans by the recycle bin but they are not my things and I refuse to pick them up anymore. The house can become overrun with socks and hats and other miscellaneous stuff that is not mine and I will do nothing about it. That's my story and I'm sticking with it!! Mom's on strike!! Now those muddy paw paths on the floor, I might mop those up because my furry darlings don't have opposable thumbs and can't hold the mop. They get a break that way!)
Now me...I just finished this book about 10 minutes ago...there are no words.....
And I absolutely must go buy this book...even if it means going out in the rain because being the sugary being that I am I just might melt....because....
I cannot go on living another day until I know what happens...please, please, please, don't let the author leave me hanging at the end. Gosh I'm so glad I didn't hear about this series until it was finished...I never could have survived having to wait for the next book. You've got to read this series -- this gripped me more than HP...sorry J.K. but I think this is now my favorite series. were always my first...that should mean something to you!

See you all when I've emerged from my fantasy!


Lauren W said...

YAY! I'm so glad you're loving them :D Aren't they wonderful? They have a different pull than HP does. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love HP, but JK tends to tie up each individual book a little better, you know? Anyway, enjoy Breaking Dawn. It's a good one :)

Lauren W said...

I'm glad you think so too! I strongly feel that it ended perfectly :)

Aubrey said...

I can't wait to start reading the series. Still waiting for the book from the library. I know...I should just go buy it. But what if I hate it???

Gorgeous garden! I wish I had a green thumb like you!

Dawn said...

I'm so glad you stopped by today and shared your story with me! I am glad that you met your birth dad and would love to hear more about it! Feel free to email me if you ever want to swap stories! I am adding you to my blog roll too! Have a great day!

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

Thank's for stopping by my blog today!

Unknown said...

Gosh I love your backyard!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your back yard!

About twilight... I listened to the audio of the other books, and I'm going to get to this one, but... I'm scared. I don't find Stephanie Meyer specificially "talented" in the writing department, and I worry about how her "perfect" writing will "perfectly" influence my writing style "perfection" this time around.

Tracy P. said...

Hi Rene! Glad you get to come to our state fair in person. You should bring some of your veggies to enter in the competitions! I'm impressed. Hope the sun keeps shining here for you.

Tracy P. said...

Hi Rene! Glad you get to come to our state fair in person. You should bring some of your veggies to enter in the competitions! I'm impressed. Hope the sun keeps shining here for you.

Hippie Family... said...

I am finishing up and getting ready for Breaking dawn too.. they are so addiciting.. my niece got me hooked, and she's 13.. kids, I need to stop doing what they do!
thanks for stopping by my blog with BATW today, hope to see you soon!
No Breaking dawn spoilers and I will be back :D