Thursday, July 17, 2008

God and Dandelions

One of the best ways for me to get together with God is through music. I know many people get closer to God when they spend time in nature or watch their children or read the bible. I find God in those times too but for me music is the Grand Door into my heart. I listen to music quite a bit and being a singer, sometimes I'm listening to see if it's something that I can either perform exactly as written or something I can rearrange to fit my style and vocal range. I also spend a lot of time trying to find harmonies to the melodies to add some additional depth to Sunday morning worship.

But there are some songs that just speak to my heart exactly as they are and do not beg me to analyze them or figure out how to put my signature on them. Mercy Me's God with Us is one such song. It inspires my heart and I end up praising God with all I have. I agree like the song says that my praise is "such a tiny offering compared to Calvary" but I am so glad that God doesn't see it that way. It reminds me of when your young child brings you a dandelion they picked. In your eyes that is the most beautiful flower you have ever seen and you are so filled with emotion that maybe, like me, you've cried at the sight of that little flower that normally makes you want to pull your hair out and spend your last cent buying poison to rid your yard of them.

I see our praises as showering God in those childhood dandelions. Something that some in this world view as a scrouge upon the land become droplets of gold to God. So join me in praising God today -- let this song touch your heart and send up your dandelions to God with me!


Kierry said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. So glad to have you! We are a young swimming family and loving it! I'll be adding you to my reads as well. Thanks!!

stacey said...

That song was beautiful!

What a GREAT post . . . my son always picks me dandelions and he runs them over to me all proud, "Mommy this is for you!"
God is SO Good!